Summer is a moment when life is suspended. A freedom—a realm characterized by being elsewhere, where time pauses. A freedom to follow the sun light. A liberation from our working schedule. A moment for play – where we shed the weight of the year and conviviality takes over, with friends, family, around the table and sea. A constant sequence of images in our mind – the sweetness of an apricot just plucked from a tree. Dappled light dancing over the pages of a book. Ice slowly shifting in an afternoon cocktail.


The Italian concept of building a holiday home-away-from-home, La Villeggiatura, is a unique expression of Italian hospitality that embraces the simple joys of living, on vacation. A tradition deeply rooted in our culture - this time-honored practice is steeped in elegance, wherein families and friends gather to reset in the unhurried rhythms of life, forging cherished bonds and weaving enchanting narratives amidst the idyllic backdrop of their temporary haven.



A moment of relaxation by the pool.  A dive, a splash into the fresh and reinvigorating water, a stark contrast to the blazing heat. Enjoy every moment with the exquisite porcelain from Il Viaggio di Nettuno collection, perfect companions for these moments by the pool.