"L'arte è un'esattezza, senza tolleranza ai margini di sicurezza; è un gioco esigente, un gioco riuscito; è un equilibrio impossibile che riesce." Gio Ponti
From 1923 to 1933 Gio Ponti was artistic director of our Manifattura. Together with him we refined our instinct to pursue new horizons, without ever leaving behind our taste for the antique and for oriental cultures. A propensity, that of the master, which brought us to win a Grand Prix at the 1925 International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts in Paris. In the ten years that Gio Ponti headed the Manifattura, numerous designs sprang from his unstoppable creativity. Of these, two in particular made their mark by becoming iconic collections for the table and for Ginori 1735: Labirinto and Catene. These Gio Ponti’s plates and all the dinnerware sets are synonymous with style and sophistication, representing the perfect marriage of art and functionality. The architect's influence extends beyond the table, with magnificent decorative vases and bowls to the iconic Mani. Each piece reflects his innovative vision, making designer objects by Gio Ponti authentic timeless masterpieces.