Porcelaine créée à Manifattura Ginori - Italie

Instructions de personnalisation
  1. Access the website www.ginori1735.com and enter the SHOP ONLINE section.
  2. Click on any Totem product carrying the lettering “customize”, together with the icon of a brush and a capital A.
  3. You are accessing the product sheet of the selected piece. It is now required to insert the personalised sentence you want to show on the product.
  4. Pay attention to the maximum number of characters specified on the top right of the box, which varies depending on the product’s dimension.
  5. Read carefully the disclaimers and accept the content.
  6. Click on “salva la frase e aggiungi il prodotto al carrello”. Doing so, the product and its personalisation are registered in the cart.
  7. It is possible now to proceed with the order, and at the time of paying, some personal details of the customer and useful information for shipping will be registered.
  8. Make sure that you keep a copy of the PDF, automatically generated, that reports Descrizione Prodotto, Codice Prodotto, Quantità, N. Ordine, Data, Nome del Cliente, Indirizzo di Spedizione, Testo personalizzato.