Porcelain crafted in Manifattura Ginori – Italy
Giovanni Gariboldi (1908-1971) ranks among the most influential figures in the history of Italian decorative arts. He began his career at the age of just 18 when in 1926 he joined Ginori as an apprentice model maker under the guidance of Gio Ponti. Years later amidst a changing, modern, post-war society, Gariboldi took helm of Ginori as Artistic Director. During his time at the Manifattura, Gariboldi embarked on an artistic journey, redrafting the conventions of the art of porcelain in bringing together aesthetics and technique, beauty and practicality, design and daily life. His love of functionality, his firsthand experience in production, and his exacting artistic expression defined a new modernity in the use of porcelain. Through his appreciation for functionality, sincerity of form, and ability to capture the desires of a new modern society, Gariboldi left a legacy as one of the most influential figures in Italian modernism & decorative arts. A prolific artist and creator for over 50 years, Gariboldi launched hundreds of products for Ginori, all with a carefully cultivated eye towards reinterpreting the past and creating for the future.
コロンナ コレクションは1954年、ガリボルディにとって極めて重要な年となった。このコレクションは、最小限のサイズと実用性という条件を満たした類まれな美的完成度により、デザイン作品の機能性と芸術性を向上させた作品に贈られる世界で最も権威あるデザイン賞、コンパッソ・ドーロ賞の栄えある第1回を受賞しました。ジノリ1735の世界的な名声に貢献した最も重要なクリエイターの一人を称え、コロンナの発売当時のオリジナルカラーとコンセプトで6人用の3セット(コーヒー、ティー、テーブル)を限定復刻しました。
"情熱がなければそれはただの技術。魂のない、ただの磁器。創造活動は人生に従うものであり、その逆ではない" (Giovanni Gariboldi)