Porcelain crafted in Manifattura Ginori – Italy

Payment and Billing

The Customer can make the payment of the fee related to the Products contained in the order proposal and shipping costs by credit card, PayPal.
Richard Ginori accepts payments made using the following credit cards:
- Visa;
- MasterCard;
- Discover;
- Maestro.
Customer's credit card transactions will be charged only after:
(i) the credit card details have been verified;
(ii) authorization to debit the credit card company used by the customer has been received; The debit of the amount is done manually after having approved the order.
(iii) the availability of the Product by Richard Ginori has been confirmed.
No credit card will be charged at the time the order is submitted, subject to authorization request to verify the validity of the credit card. It is understood that, following the order fulfillment, this temporary charge will be canceled and replaced by the charge corresponding to the amount due by the Customer. The temporary charge will also be canceled if the order is canceled.
In the event that, for any reason, within 7 working days from the date of Order Confirmation it is not possible to debit the amounts due from the Customer on the credit card, it will not be possible to execute the contract and the order is intends to cancel.